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Business listings in Place Montreal Trust

YP Canada provides full directory information for in and near the Place Montreal Trust, Quebec region. With the most comprehensive database of businesses you can find in Canada, is your first choice for search. If you live in or near Place Montreal Trust, find new independently reviewed products and services close to you, with .

It's probably not a coincidence boxing champs Georges St. Pierre and Arturo "Thunder" Gatti fought out of Montreal, which boasts so many fantastic boxing studios. You might think boxing is intimidating, but you can attend a variety of gyms that cater to everyone, including beginners and those seeking a fun way to stay fit. [Image credit:]
Montreal is renowned for its refined dining scene. Are you looking for classic magret de canard in the ambiance of a French bistro-style restaurant? Or do you seek something more extravagant and adventurous, like duck confit served right out of a can? Either way, Montreal is ready and willing to satisfy your fine dining cravings. [Image credit:]
Montreal is an entertainment town, and there's no shortage of homegrown talent or visiting musicians to light up its venues. You should be well-fed, though, to enjoy this musical feast to the max; a drink or two might get you in a festive mood, too. Here are a handful of excellent options for a pre-concert meal. [Image credit: Miller]
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