
Grocery Stores surrounding Barrie ON (312 Result(s))

While food is at the heart of our offerings, our stores provide a wide, growing and successful range of products and services to meet your everyday household needs.
With a wide selection of expertly frozen food and delicious options for any mealtime, M&M Food Market takes pride in the quality and freshness of their food, just like you do at home. We shop around for the best ingredients, search high and low for delicious and authentic recipes, and prepare everything with care, just like you do at home. From appetizers and desserts, to prepared meals and side dishes, M&M Food Market has your entire meal ready in minutes. Shop online for free Same Day Pickup. Franchise Partners: Jennifer Andrews & Michael Corbett.
Excellent friendly service every time, we go to this location. Read more
With a wide selection of expertly frozen food and delicious options for any mealtime, M&M Food Market takes pride in the quality and freshness of their food, just like you do at home. We shop around for the best ingredients, search high and low for delicious and authentic recipes, and prepare everything with care, just like you do at home. From appetizers and desserts, to prepared meals and side dishes, M&M Food Market has your entire meal ready in minutes. Shop online for free Same Day Pickup. Franchise Partners: Jennifer Andrews & Michael Corbett.
With a wide selection of expertly frozen food and delicious options for any mealtime, M&M Food Market takes pride in the quality and freshness of their food, just like you do at home. We shop around for the best ingredients, search high and low for delicious and authentic recipes, and prepare everything with care, just like you do at home. From appetizers and desserts, to prepared meals and side dishes, M&M Food Market has your entire meal ready in minutes. Shop online for free Same Day Pickup. Franchise Partners: Michael Corbett & Jennifer Andrews.
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