
Medical Clinics surrounding Pembroke ON (15 Result(s))

Nurture Movement and Wellness Centre, formerly Ottawa Valley Physiotherapy, is located at the Petawawa Centennial Medical Centre. Our team offers a wide variety of clinical services for adults and children of all ages. Our specialized services include orthopaedics, pelvic health, paediatric care, infant feeding consultation, osteopathy and psychotherapy. Our goal is to provide exceptional clinical care in a nurturing environment to allow for optimal recovery and achievement of personal goals. Caring Hands That Empower Healing.
Nurture Movement and Wellness Centre, formerly Ottawa Valley Physiotherapy, is located at the Petawawa Centennial Medical Centre. Our team offers a wide variety of clinical services for adults and children of all ages. Our specialized services include orthopaedics, pelvic health, paediatric care, infant feeding consultation, osteopathy and psychotherapy. Our goal is to provide exceptional clinical care in a nurturing environment to allow for optimal recovery and achievement of personal goals. Caring Hands That Empower Healing.
12 Family doctors, 2 Physiotherapists 1 Osteotherapist 1 Psychotherapist 1 Nurse practionner (NP)
We've added 2 more family doctors, physiotherapists 4 days a week, psychotherapy 1 day a week.
Sound Care Medical and Imaging is a licensed Diagnostic Facility legislated by the Ministry of Health of Ontario since 1986. We offer diagnostic ultrasound services in Obstetrics-Gynecology, Abdominal, surface, ultrasound, vascular and cardiac studies. In addition we are also a certified Centre for IPS (Integrated Prenatal Screening) and nuchal translucency measurements. Our specially trained clerical, technical and medical personnel are members of respective governing bodies such as CARDUP and ARDMS. We are a well-equipped Facility with the latest Ultrasound Imaging Systems and Computerized Image Acquiring Systems Network, enabling remote reading of your ULTRASOUND EXAMS and interpretations provided to Referring physicians within 24 hours or same day if requested.
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