12 important questions to ask when you call a travel agent

October 3, 2017

Are you planning a trip but not sure how to find the best travel agent? A great way is to check out the ratings and reviews on YP.ca, but you can also call a few travel agents in your area and compare their answers to these key questions. [Photo credit: iStock.com/Soft_Light]

12 important questions to ask when you call a travel agent

The most important questions to ask when you call a travel agent:

  1. What types of travel and destinations does your agency specialize in?
  2. How many years of experience do you have?
  3. Will you provide me with references from previous clients?
  4. What is and isn’t included in the trip I’m purchasing?
  5. What methods of payment do you accept?
  6. Do you book a lot of travel to my destination?
  7. Can you help me to arrange the travel documents I’ll need?
  8. What are some alternatives to make my trip cheaper?
  9. Do you offer travel insurance and/or refunds?
  10. What activities and side-trips can you recommend?
  11. Can you provide me with a list of emergency numbers to call at my destination?
  12. How can I reach you during my trip if I run into any issues?
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