3 tips for planning the ultimate Easter egg hunt for kids

November 26, 2014

An Easter egg hunt is a fun way to entertain the kids at your next Easter gathering. It involves careful planning, figuring out how many eggs you'll need and coming up with imaginative hiding places. Here are three tips for a successful Easter egg hunt!

3 tips for planning the ultimate Easter egg hunt for kids

1. Keep the kids safe

First of all, make sure your egg hunt will be safe for all of the children involved.

  • Avoid hiding treats that contain peanuts unless you are certain that no one is allergic.
  • Other dietary restrictions to take into account is lactose intolerance, which can be accommodated by using dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate.
  • If chocolate is an allergen for some of your guests, use little bags of jelly beans tied up with ribbons instead.

2. Buy enough eggs

One thing that is sure to cause trouble at an egg hunt is not having enough eggs to go around.

  • Make sure you buy enough eggs to allow all of the kids to enjoy a sweet treat.
  • It's always better to have too many eggs than too few.
  • In addition to the eggs you hide, keep some aside in case some children miss out on eggs during the hunting phase.
  • Try to be as fair as possible to all the kids taking part to avoid arguments and tears.

3. Be imaginative

In addition to using candy eggs, you can also use toy eggs that open to reveal a treasure inside. This will give kids a longer-lasting memento of the egg hunt.

  • Using toys as prizes also cuts down on candy consumption, which is good for their teeth and could prevent sugar-loaded kids from suffering an energy crash later in the day.
  • Religious parents also like to include excerpt fragments of scripture inside the plastic eggs so that children can piece together the story of Easter as they recover the eggs.
  • If your family is not religious, you could use this opportunity to provide the kids with some facts about spring.
  • To avoid the hunt being over too quickly, try to find the most imaginative hiding places possible for some of the eggs. Place them high, low, underneath obstacles or even lightly buried in the back yard.
  • You can use clues to help your kids find the eggs even when they are in the most obscure locations.
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