3 tips on how a personal assistant should utilize social networking

October 13, 2015

Personal assistants should possess project management skills, anticipatory focus, and a finger on the pulse of what's trending. The guide below outlines how personal assistants can utilize social networking to provide their clients with quality service.

3 tips on how a personal assistant should utilize social networking

Why invest in a personal assistant?

  • Personal assistants can help their clients stay relevant and at the forefront of positivity with their fan base, clients and business associates through social networking.
  • Personal assistants can utilize tools such as creating professional contacts, social media profiles, building a client's brand as well as staying up up-to-date on news in their client's industry through social media networks.
  • Clients consider these aspects in a personal assistant as a valuable commodity.

1. Professional connections

  • Personal assistants can assist their clients with creating and managing online business platforms for professional networking profiles, but this may vary depending on the business industry.
  • The relationships a personal assistant can help cultivate may aid in growing their client's business through professional connections and online networking.
  • For instance, a personal assistance can share information on these networking platforms, keep up with business industry news and comment on other relevant business information posted.

2. Social media

  • Personal assistants can create and manage social media profiles for their client. For instance, a personal assistant can help get their client's social media accounts verified through online social networking platforms.
  • In addition, they can also report fraudulent accounts and have them deleted.
  • The personal assistant can also aid in providing information online that may determine how a client is perceived in the industry as well as follows up on negative information found online.

3. Brand awareness

  • Personal assistants can create a buzz about their client's brand by releasing information and pictures online about products and services.
  • The personal assistant should take ownership of keeping the online public abreast of upcoming products by giving away free samples and running contests.
  • According to a survey conducted by Edison Research, an estimated 75 million Americans check their social networks several times each day.
  • That means that all of those people have the potential to connect with businesses. A personal assistant can help make that a reality.
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