4 simple New Year's resolutions for students

November 3, 2015

The New Year is a perfect time for people of all ages to commit to changes that will better their lives. That includes college or university students. If you're still studying, here are some ideas for easy resolutions you can make that not only work with your busy schedule, but which you're sure to keep.

4 simple New Year's resolutions for students

1. Exercise more

Many college students lose focus on fitness when busy college life kicks in. Instead of spending time partying or studying, choose to commit some of your schedule to exercise.

  • Not only will regular exercise keep your body fit and healthy, it's also a great stress reliever.

Many college campuses have gyms that are free for students to use, so take advantage of the facilities offered to you.

  • Set an exercise schedule that fits into your class schedule each week and commit yourself to sticking with it.
  • Blocking off a specific time on your calendar is a good visual reminder that, along with academics, exercise is equally as important.

2. Improve your diet

College is a notoriously hard time to stay healthy since dining halls often offer tons of unhealthy fattening options. What's more, late party nights often lead to eating junk food. So, in the New Year, commit to a health goal that will make your body feel better.

  • Cut out late-night snacking after parties. At the very least, commit to eating a green vegetable at every meal. Late-night snacks also tend to cost extra money that you may (or may not) have at your disposal.
  • Improving your diet can not only help you keep your weight at bay, but can also improve your mood and energy levels.

3. Set a budget and stick to it

Spending can easily get out of hand on college campuses: with the need to invest in such things as housing, groceries, new clothes and school supplies – not to mention entertainment and snacks – you can easily drop a small fortune. However, you can save your money as a college student by setting yourself a budget and sticking to it.

  • Sticking to a budget in college is a good way to learn financial skills that will serve you in the real world and keep you out of debt down the road.

4. Get an internship or part-time job

Although college classes can take up a lot of time, a good way to meet new people, build your resume and learn real-world skills is by getting a job or internship.

  • Look around your school for an on-campus job, or search local listings for businesses looking for interns or new staff. Keep in mind that some intern positions are unpaid.
  • If you can afford an unpaid internship, it adds relevant work experience to your curriculum vitae, which is invaluable down the line.
  • Chances are your school also has an on-site employment centre, intended to help both people looking for part-time employment and new graduates looking for their first "real" job.

Having a part-time job as a student offers three main benefits: it can help you to create a work-search network, adds some solid experience to your résumé and improves your financial standing while you're at it.

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