4 simple ways to upgrade your home security system

February 2, 2015

Here are four ways to upgrade your existing security system and ensure your house is fully protected from intruders, fires and other dangers.

4 simple ways to upgrade your home security system

A basic home security system can help keep your home and family safe and sound. Your system will be even more functional and useful when you add a few important upgrades.

1. Add a security camera

If you don't already have one, a camera makes an excellent addition to your home security system.

  • Cameras can show you the identity of a visitor before you open the door.
  • Cameras can also be placed at other locations around your property to ensure that outbuildings and vehicles are also monitored.
  • Cameras add an extra layer of protection that can deter intruders.

2. Use remote alerts

Many security systems offer access alerts that let you know when someone has entered your house. Y

  • ou can set up alerts to tell you when someone enters or exits any wired door or window in your home. A remote system can help alert you when an intruder enters your home when you're at work, or let you know if there is another security breach at your house.
  • You can also set up alerts that inform the police when the system detects an unauthorized entrance, in some instances.

3. Try a fire detection upgrade

Fire detection is another helpful home security system upgrade.

  • Many security systems are wired with both smoke and heat detectors and can alert you when a fire starts or even warn you of the potential for a fire before a blaze actually occurs.
  • This feature is very helpful when you are home and when you are away, as the system immediately alerts you if there are any signs of danger.

4. Choose voice controls

Some home security systems have a function that allows you to set up voice controls to arm and disarm the system.

  • When you use this feature, only you and designated family members can access your home without setting off the security alarms.

These are just a few of the upgrades you can make to your home security system to increase its effectiveness and ensure that you and your family are safe from harm.

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