5 stretches for your whole body

October 1, 2015

Stretching can help you lead a healthy life and reduce stress. Here are some stretches that will leave you feeling relaxed from head to toe.

5 stretches for your whole body

1. The sky reach

This stretch is great for the muscles and joints in your back, shoulders, sides (obliques), abdominals and hands.

  • Stand straight with your feet about hip-width apart.
  • Extend your arms overhead so that your fingers point straight at the ceiling.
  • Rise on the balls of your feet and spread your fingers, stretching upward to make your body as long and tall as possible.
  • Tilt your chin slightly to look at the ceiling.
  • Hold, then slowly return to the starting position.

2. The open arms

This exercise stretches your chest, arms and wrists.

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent for support.
  • Keep your back straight and your chin level.
  • Slowly extend your arms up and to the sides until they're just below shoulder level.
  • With your palms facing forward, gently stretch your arms behind you.
  • When you've pulled back as far as comfortably possible, bend your wrists back until you feel a stretch in the front of your upper arms.
  • Hold, then slowly return to the starting position.

3. The wall stretch

The wall stretch works your calves, hamstrings, back and shoulders.

  • Stand 0.5 metres (about 1 foot) away from a wall and place your hands on it, shoulder-width apart.
  • Move your feet back until you're leaning into the wall and you feel a gentle stretch in your calves.
  • Slowly press your hips back, keeping your back straight, and press your heels into the floor so that you feel a stretch in your back as well as your calves.
  • Hold, then slowly return to the starting position.

4. Triangles

This stretch works your sides (obliques), inner thighs, hamstrings and neck.

  • Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart and point your right foot forward and your left foot to the side.
  • Extend your arms straight out to the sides at shoulder level, then bend to the left, reaching for your left shin with your left hand.
  • Extend your hand as far down your leg as comfortably possible while reaching toward the ceiling with your right hand.
  • Turn your head slightly to look at the ceiling.
  • Hold, then return to the starting position and repeat, stretching to the opposite side.

5. The sit-back

The sit-back stretches out your hips, buttocks and thighs.

  • Stand straight and place your hands on a chair back or tabletop for support.
  • Raise your right leg and place your right ankle on your lower left thigh, just above the knee.
  • Bend your left leg, move back slightly, as if starting to sit, and gently press your right knee toward the floor. This should cause you to feel a stretch in your right hip and the back of your thigh.
  • Hold, then slowly return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

Practice these stretches to help you feel relaxed from head to toe.

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