5 ways to know it's time to change jobs

January 5, 2015

Some job stress is normal, but when is it time to throw in the towel and change jobs altogether? Here are a few signs it may be time for a switch.

5 ways to know it's time to change jobs

1. You've lost your passion for the job

Your career started off strong — you were all fired up. You always sought out ways to make it bigger and better and you were excited to go into work every day. You had passion.

  • But now you find yourself missing that passion and wondering where it went. Try as you might, you can’t seem to re-ignite it.
  • Getting up in the morning is starting to become a chore and you find your happiness slowly dwindling.

2. Your work bores you

Your career used to excite you. Your creative juices were flowing, but now you are feeling bored and unfulfilled.

  • You may not feel challenged enough.
  • Going in to work and completing everyday tasks may become a complete bore.

3. You're not developing professionally

  • You’ve stopped challenging yourself and investing in your own professional development.

4. You can hardly do the bare minimum

  • Your day-to-day routine at work has become a series of tasks, which you perform by doing the bare minimum.
  • You no longer go out on a limb or try to optimize opportunities.
  • You feel like you are just here to do a job and you do what little you have to do in order to get that job done.

If your motivation is down and you can't seem to get through the basics, a career change might be a big help.

5. You feel you can't move up

  • If you don’t see how you can possibly advance or get ahead in your role, it may be time to consider a career change.

Your job should always have room for growth and development. If not, your stagnant role will eventually bore you.

Is it time?

If you can relate to some of these topics and are seriously considering a career change, it can go a long way knowing when it's time to change jobs.

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