8 best natural cold remedies

December 16, 2020

In this enlightened day and age, it’s always grounding to discover the old ways are often the best. Healing your way through the common cold is one such example. While an over-the-counter medication can work wonders—on the advice of your doctor, of course—the following natural, time-worn remedies will help you feel better, naturally.

8 best natural cold remedies

[Photo Credit: detailblick-foto]

1. Drink as much water as you can

Staying hydrated will help you flush the cold virus out of your system faster. Drink two litres of water per day so you’ll feel less dried out. You can actually drink too much water, so don’t overdo it.

2. Gargle with salt water

For sore throats, stir a teaspoon of salt into six ounces of warm water and gargle a few times in a row, as many as four times a day. Do this over the sink, naturally, to contain any sloppiness. You’ll be surprised how quickly this home remedy will provide relief. This fixer, however, is not advisable if you have high blood pressure.

3. Drink ALL the hot drinks

Hot drinks can relieve congestion and soothe inflamed membranes. Tea with honey, tea with lemon and honey, herbal teas of any kind—all are great if you have a sore throat or cough. Honey has antiviral and antimicrobial properties to avail yourself of. And although it is a bit of a cliché, chicken soup has shown to have a mild anti-inflammatory effect on top of also being able to clear nasal congestion.

4. Take vitamin C

While it may not be preventative, vitamin C’s immune-boosting benefits are said to shorten the duration of a cold, so you can get back to your regular self again. (See tea with lemon, above.)

5. Get some rest

When you feel run down, it’s because you are. Accept the fact that you’re sick and take a break from your regular routine, enough to sleep a bit more than usual. This helps boost your immune system so it can get back to doing its job of fighting other viruses and bacteria.

6. Take a hot shower

Never underestimate the soothing effects hot water can have on mind, body, and soul. A hot shower or bath is a great decongestant and also incredibly relaxing. And when you add in aromatherapy, you get a bath with a purpose: Menthol can help break up mucus, while peppermint and eucalyptus can help reduce congestion.

7. Prop up an extra pillow

Grandma’s home remedy to the rescue. Although it might feel awkward for the first half-hour or so, elevating your head while you’re sleeping calls on gravity to help drain your sinuses. You can breathe easier—without waking up every hour during the night with a plugged head.

8. Let it all out

Speaking of which, blow your nose often instead of snuffling—but not too hard. The same goes for coughing, which helps clear blocked passages. Just take it easy and keep both actions as gentle as possible.

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