How can you tell when your child is ready to graduate to a booster seat? The answer depends on the size of your child and Canadian law. These tips should help you decide if your child is ready for that next step.
Alphabet books can help encourage independent reading and literacy development in young children. Here are some easy ways you can develop your child's reading ability and help them establish a life-long love of reading.
Coping with the realities of divorce can be difficult for children of all ages. The following tips will help you guide your children through all the changes happening at home as a result of divorce.
Breast milk is nature's perfect baby food. It's easy to digest, enhances newborns' ability to fight off infections and contains exactly the right balance of nutrients during the most critical developmental phase of their lives. It's no wonder then th
Bringing a baby home is a special time and it's finally here. Keep them safe, clean and happy with these tips for basic baby care.
Child rearing is one of the most rewarding, and probably the most challenging, of life's journeys. These tips will make dealing with typical childhood concerns like cradle cap and tantrums a little easier. And once that's done, you can learn how to o
Grammar and math can fill any school kid with a feeling of defeat before even starting. Remember, though, that the rules for both, once learned, are difficult to forget so, once you’ve cracked it, the knowledge is with you for life.
Overnight your child becomes a moody teen! These do’s and don’ts will help you connect with your teenager and you’ll learn how to rap.
A family tree helps you discover your roots and pass down stories to the future generations. Once you've done the research, try organizing the info with one of these methods.
Whether you're a new parent, or a grandparent with a small baby for the first time since you had your own children, sterilization is essential in creating a baby-safe environment. Here are some safety tips and sterilization techniques to keep in mind
Potty training's a big step, and one that needs to be done cautiously. These are some ways to help your child with the potty.
Children, either your own or visiting youngsters, often get into dangerous situations in the home. Older family members are also prone to injury. There are a number of steps you can take to protect them.
You have to want to change if you want to get fit and healthy. Once that mental focus is achieved, choosing more active alternatives will come easily. To get you going, here are some helpful tips that can add 30 to 45 minutes to your daily exercise w
It's no secret babies can be messy, so it is only natural your baby stroller will end up with a few stains and bad smells. Keep your stroller clean and smelling fresh with the below tips for stained strollers.
Keep your baby stroller in working order by following the below tips and tricks for common stroller issues.
Some family members are more at risk than others when it comes to falls and shocks. Children, either your own or visiting youngsters, often get into dangerous situations. Minimize the danger with these tips and learn some easy ways to help protect th
Because children, and sometimes a dog or two, are the main users, wading pools can become really filthy. Regular cleaning is the best way to ensure that your child’s wading pool is always clean and ready for use.
Tricks using items around the house to make life easier with children.
Three DIY toy ideas made from items found in the home.
DIY toys for kids made from items from around the house.
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