Holidays are a time for happiness and family, so how can divorced parents help their children experience the joy of these special occasions? Here are some ideas for sharing the holidays with your kids after a divorce.
When a marriage ends in divorce and there are children involved, both parents need to put aside their differences and concentrate on the best interests of the children. Here are some important considerations.
Bedwetting can be a stressful and embarrassing problem for children and parents. The truth is that bedwetting is a neurological condition, not a behavioural problem, and it's more common than most parents realize. Below are some coping strategies tha
Any parent of more than one child is likely familiar with these phrases: "Quit it!" "I'm telling mom!" and "I hate you!" These are common expressions of sibling rivalry. And while any psychologist or behavioural scientist will likely explain this beh
Here are several effective methods that parents can use to discipline their children that don't involve spanking.
Tantrums are embarrassing and difficult to handle, but the reality is that frustration and anger are normal emotions. This guide presents four of the best ways to help your children find a physical release and deal with their anger in order to stop e
Teaching children how to behave can be a challenge, and many people believe in different methods of educating children about how to act. If you hope to educate your child about maintaining good behaviour, check out these effective ideas for using pos
Parenting is already a challenge, so when a divorce occurs, things become even more complicated and effective co-parenting becomes impossible without expert advice. Here are a few things to always remember when you are trying to raise your child afte
After divorce, it's best to establish your children's space by making choices that emphasize they are not temporary guests in two different homes. By including them in the process, duplicating key items, and allowing them to have mementos of life bef
Exposing your baby to music, whether through everyday singing or listening to formal music lessons, offers a number of short- and long-term benefits. Here are just a few.
Frenemies: we all have them. Whether at the work or within our own families, they are fairly common. So why would that make a good parenting duo?
Becoming a sperm donor in Canada means you can help someone start a family, which is an important gift to give. However, before you become a sperm donor, it's important you know what your legal rights are, how your privacy is protected and what to ex
Patience and consistency are the keys to surviving the toddler years, which go by very quickly. Keep the following tips in mind when handling toddler issues.
When disciplining your child, you might feel a bit of anger and frustration—but anger is never helpful to the situation at hand. When you lose your cool in front of your child in response to misbehaviour, saying the words "I'm sorry" can be an effect
When you take kids fishing, they learn obvious skills like how to bait a hook, and how to cast a line. But as you quietly sit there together, they learn other important life-lessons as well—ones you might be overlooking.
Karate lessons are a great way for kids to get fit, have fun and learn important life skills. Here's what you should know before enrolling your kid in a class.
If your child is glued to the screen, you may be concerned. Computers, tablets, cellphones and TVs are part of our everyday lives, but overuse isn't healthy.
Teenage kids are usually eager to learn how to drive. Here are some tips to help them on their way.
Getting divorced can be extremely difficult on a family, particularly children. If parents are planning to get divorced, they should learn to carefully communicate the divorce when it comes to telling their children. If you're planning to get a divor
There are some good, stress-free ways working moms can spend quality time with their kids, have fun and become closer. Check out this list of ideas to enjoy more time with your kids.
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