How to properly clean your gas grill

July 29, 2015

For those who love outdoor dining, having a gas grill is a convenience and joy. That's why, whether you're pulling it out for summer or getting ready to store it away for winter, you'll want to ensure your gas grill is clean and in tip-top shape. Here's how to keep your grill looking and working like new.

How to properly clean your gas grill

Never brush hot porcelain!

Although fatty drippings are easier to remove while the grill is still warm, don't wire-brush or scrape a porcelain coating when it is hot.

  • Scrubbing a warm porcelain surface means it's more likely to chip. Once chipped, it will start to rust.

Clean the briquettes

Even the permanent briquettes in a gas grill need to be cleaned after having grease dripped on them a few dozen times. Although it sounds like a chore, there's an easy way to do it.

  1. Simply turn over the briquettes so that their greasy sides are face down.
  2. Light the grill, set the temperature on high and close the cover.
  3. Let the fire burn for 15 to 20 minutes; your briquettes will be as good as new.

Blot the next morning

Although you would ideally scrub off the cooking rack on your gas grill shortly after every use, the reality is often you really don't have time. Instead of facing a tough cleanup the next time you're ready to grill, try this trick:

  1. Take the cooled rack from your grill and drop it in the grass, cooking side down.
  2. Allow it to sit there overnight.
  3. In the morning, wipe away the dew – and blot the grease – with a few damp paper towels.

Ensure the grill is good and dry before putting it back onto the grill. If it's made of steel, any residual moisture could make it rust prematurely.

  • This isn't a technique you'd use to clean it before putting your grill away for the season. What this trick does, however, is make the final cleaning before storing your grill much easier since it prevents gunk from building up.

Soak off hardened grease

Sometimes due to age or through neglect, greasy gunk can build up on the grill to the point where scrubbing with detergent will get you nowhere. For cleaning really tough, baked-on grease:

  1. Put your dirty rack inside a heavy-duty plastic garbage bag.
  2. Mix a solution consisting of 125 ml (1/2 c.)  of liquid dishwashing detergent and four litres (one gallon) of water.
  3. Pour the mixture over the rack and then seal the bag with a twist tie. Let it sit overnight.
  4. The next day, use a stiff brush to remove the residue. The soapy solution will have softened the greasy deposits.
  5. Finally, rinse the rack thoroughly.

Another good reason to clean your gas grill regularly is to check for any damage or repairs that are needed.

  • If a problem (e.g., rust) is covered in a layer of gunk and grease, by the time you spot it the issue may be beyond repair.

Cleaning is also an opportunity to check that the hoses, clamps, valves and gas lines that feed your grill from the propane tank are in good shape and working properly.


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