Top tips for solo women travellers

November 6, 2014

Women travelling the world solo may find it to be the most amazing experience of their lives. Here are a few tips to making sure your solo adventure is a safe one.

Top tips for solo women travellers

Plan ahead

When travelling solo as a woman, it's vital to plan ahead. This is not only essential for safety reasons, but to instill a sense of confidence. Make sure you arrive at a hotel during daylight hours, which also allows you to familiarize yourself with the neighbourhood. It also makes finding alternate accommodations easier, should the hotel be overbooked. Study maps and guides beforehand — structuring your itinerary is a lot safer than wandering aimlessly around a strange city.

Enjoy being alone

Exploring a city alone is quite an adventure, and there are a number of ways for the solo female traveller to enjoy the experience. A guided tour is an excellent way to get an overview of the city. Some women may dread dining out alone, but taking a book along can take the edge off. When you're dining alone, be careful when accepting drinks from a stranger. What to do when running on your own schedule? Women travelling alone can also treat themselves to ladies-only activities, like a traditional spa treatment, without anyone rushing them through the experience.

Avoid unwanted attention

Avoiding unwanted attention is a common concern for solo female travellers. One of the best ways to go under the radar is to dress conservatively, especially in traditional or religious areas where women are veiled. If you find yourself getting pestered, be firm but polite, and make it clear you are not interested. For persistent offenders, walk up to another woman and ask for help. Avoid walking on deserted beaches after dark, and stay away from alleyways. When travelling alone, be on your guard when riding in empty trains or subways, and avoid accepting lifts from strangers.

When travelling alone as a woman, it's vital to be aware of your surroundings at all times. Seeing another country or region is a fulfilling experience. Ultimately, trust your intuition. If something does not feel right, then avoid it. Enjoy travelling alone and getting to experience new places and cultures by staying safe at all times.

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