Inhale, exhale: how yoga teaches us how to focus on our breathing

November 26, 2014

Breathing is the most important element of yoga. It helps the body and mind relax, increases control, regulates body temperature and releases tension.

Inhale, exhale: how yoga teaches us how to focus on our breathing

So, relax and breathe in slowly, deeply and evenly. Set your own rhythm and keep it steady. Breathe in as you enter your pose; breathe out as you relax into it.

  • Although it may be hard to master at first, here are the reasons why you should stick to it until you succeed:

For less distraction

When focusing on your breathing, you don't pay attention to anything else around you.

  • This is crucial for your yoga workout. Keeping your focus will help you unwind more effectively and give your body and mind the chance to de-stress.

For tension release

When you're angry, sad, upset, panicky or stressed, those around you may advise you to relax and take deep breaths.

  • This is not a myth; the more you focus on your breathing when under stress, the more you can manage to let go and see things from a distance.

For endurance

Breathing steadily encourages you to stick to your sequence longer without getting tired.

  • The sooner you exhaust yourself, the sooner you'll stop enjoying your workout, so keep breathing deeply and rhythmically to make the most of your session.

For normal body temperature

Your breathing has a lot to do with your body temperature.

  • Regular breathing allows more air to pass into the body and warm you up inside. This sets the base for safer stretching as well as more effective toxin release.

For balance

Good breathing helps you stay balanced when in your poses.

  • This not only ensures a more successful yoga practice, but also a safer daily life where good posture, stability and strength can save you from minor, everyday accidents.

For better overall health

Let's not forget that effective, even breathing can help you get rid of headaches and other similar nervous system problems.

  • It can calm you down during emotional times, prevent you from seeking refuge in vices and even strengthen your digestive system.
  • Yoga teaches you how to pay attention to your breathing so you can exercise better and increase endurance while staying calm, controlled and focused.
  • It shows you how to use breathing to unwind more effectively, warm up, release tension and learn to let go.

Learning how to breathe correctly won't just improve your yoga practice; it's also the way you can learn to deal with negative emotions and the challenges of everyday life.

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